Welcome to Reception!
If you were unable to make it to our curriculum meeting, please click on the link to access the presentation used: Curriculum Presentation to Parents
Here you will find any information that is relevant to the 60 amazing children we have in Reception!
We have two classes in Reception - RM (Miss Melia and Mrs Plant) and RI (Miss Iqbal and Mrs Pincher).
In Reception, we build upon the firm learning foundations made in Nursery. We provide a happy, safe, caring and stimulating environment, both indoors and out. Every day the children enjoy a range of practical learning experiences, either through adult led learning or enhanced activities accessed during their child initiated play which help to develop all areas of the learning in the EYFS. As a setting we have planned exciting units that will stimulate and motivate the children and each unit has a core focus on an area of learning.
Children’s ideas and opinions are actively encouraged and valued. As a result, even though topics are planned for across the academic year, they are only a rough guide and the main priority is following the children’s interests, therefore through close relationships with the children, practitioners will incorporate children’s interests and ideas when planning activities, which ensures that all pupils continue to be motivated learners.
Alongside these topics we teach and educate children about cultural and religious celebrations that happen through the year.
Our EYFS curriculum is designed to be progressive, with a weekly focus on high quality books, the children develop the knowledge and skills that make up the Educational Programmes outlined in the Statutory Guidance for the Early Years Foundation Stage.
The seven areas of learning and development are:
Communication and Language
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Physical Development
Knowledge and Understanding of the World.
Expressive Arts and Design
At St James we follow the Read Write Inc phonics program. Read Write Inc. Phonics is an approach to teaching phonics, it starts in Nursery and continues through to Year 2. Daily phonics lessons helps to create fluent readers, confident speakers and willing writers. It integrates phonics with comprehension, writing, grammar, spelling and handwriting, using engaging partner work and drama. You can find furthur information about Read Write Inc phonics in the documents section.
Power Maths
We follow the Power Maths program for the teaching of Maths. Power Maths is a UK curriculum mastery programme designed to spark curiosity and excitement and nurture confidence in maths. Maths is delivered daily, in the documents section you can find the yearly overview outlining the units to be taught.
Please click to view our Reception timetable.