Year 6


Mrs Lindsay
Mrs Ball
Miss Manning
Miss Hill

Hello and welcome to Year 6!

SATS - click here to access our recent parents SATS meeting: SATS presentation 

If you were unable to make it to our curriculum meeting, please click on the link to access the presentation used: Curriculum Presentation to Parents

We are really excited to welcome you to our Year 6 page. Here you will find lots of information about the curriculum, our learning in Year 6 and our expectations. As part of the curriculum, children in Year Six are expected to be able to confidently spell a range of words including all of the Year 5/6 spellings. Each week, your child will receive their weekly spellings on Friday and will be tested on these on the following Friday. Please ensure your child is dedicating time to this at home.

Your child’s reading skills are key to their success in school and reading for at least 10 minutes every night – whether this is your child reading independently or through shared experiences – is important. Please sign their reading diary noting what they have read, any comments and perhaps any words that they found difficult.
Homework will also be sent out weekly every Friday and will be expected to be returned the following Thursday. This will be a piece of English and Maths which will help consolidate their learning from that week. The children should be able to complete this independently, but of course support can be given if required.


Class Overview Document

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